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Próbna matura 2014: Język angielski [ARKUSZ, ODPOWIEDZI]

Katarzyna Sklepik
PRÓBNA MATURA 2014: Język angielski [ARKUSZ, ODPOWIEDZI]. W środę, 15 stycznia, w środę pisali testy z języka angielskiego. Sprawdź omówienia zadań zamieszczonych w arkuszach.

Test ćwiczeniowy przygotowała Okręgowa Komisja Egzaminacyjna w Poznaniu. Zamieszczone omówienie zadań i przykładowe odpowiedzi przygotowali poznańscy nauczyciele języka angielskiego (odpowiedzi te nie pochodzą z klucza odpowiedzi OKE Poznań, mogą się od nich różnić).

Zobacz także: Próbna matura 2014: Matematyka - zobacz ARKUSZ i ODPOWIEDZI


Pierwsza część testu ćwiczeniowego z języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym sprawdza umiejętność rozumienia tekstu słuchanego. Aby rozwiązać pierwsze trzy zadania – do każdego z nich – uczniowie wysłuchali nagrań. Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu nagranych tekstów, musieli rozwiązać zadania, dotyczące treści nagrań.


Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

Interviewer: Hello listeners. Today we are talking to a well-known cook Jamie Olivier. Jamie, how do you feel about childhood obesity?
Jamie: It’s a huge worry I think. Whenever I read new obesity figures from the UK, Australia or anywhere, it just gets worse and worse. And there’s a simple solution, which is to make sure that kids get taught basic food and cooking skills in schools. In this way they can feed themselves and later their families in a healthy way. That doesn’t mean the end of treats or takeaways – we all love them from time to time. The problem is when “treats” become everyday practice and when processed foods and takeaways replace proper meals and cooking.


Interviewer: In your TV and radio programmes you are trying to improve the world’s eating habits. Can you explain that?
Jamie: I’ve been trying to inspire people to cook at home and to explain that it’s fun and easy though it doesn’t usually help you save money. It’s no secret that my goal is to convince everyone to cook from fresh products that are often not the cheapest ones. Takeaway food costs less but it’s worth nothing. I simply believe that preparing brilliant food at home should be beneficial for your health and family relations first of all.

Interviewer: Do you feel that you are making a difference?
Jamie: Well, I get some e-mails either from people whose kids are doing better at school because the food at lunchtime is helping them concentrate in the afternoons, or from people who have lost weight and feel much better as a result. But when I walk the streets and see so many people having junk food, I think to myself that I’m not changing the world.

Interviewer: What keeps you going and what inspires you?
Jamie: I’m inspired by all kinds of things and I often travel abroad. I’ve always found some new ideas in other cultures, however, I take the most from different tastes that I can find in my country.

Interviewer: This must be very tiring. So how do you cope with everything when you’re having a bad day at work?
Jamie: To be honest, I’m very easygoing and I’ve got a great team of people working with me, so I almost never have a bad day. If something goes wrong, I’ll just go home, talk to my wife about it and move on.

Interviewer: Jamie, thanks for being with us. Bye.

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli dwa razy wysłuchać wywiadu z brytyjskim kucharzem. Potem zaznaczyć, które z podanych zdań jest prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).
1.1. According to Jamie, children should not eat treats or takeaway food. FALSE
1.2. In his opinion, cooking at home can be cheaper than buying takeaways. FALSE
1.3. Jamie thinks his actions are not very effective. TRUE
1.4. He gets most new ideas while visiting other countries. FALSE
1.5. He hardly ever has bad days at work. TRUE

Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

Are you thinking of house swapping during your holidays, that is exchanging a house with a family from another country? Are you a little worried about the whole event? We’ve asked a few people who have already done house swapping to give you a few useful tips.

Speaker 1: We’ve already swapped our house several times and we’ve always had fantastic holidays. But for your own comfort and safety it’s better to hide any small valuables like rings or necklaces as well as inform your insurance company about the exchange. You might also arrange for your neighbours to drop round to say hello to the guests and make sure all is well.

Speaker 2: I believe it’s practical to find out who the people you’re going to swap your home with are. Communication is the key: write emails or even make a couple of phone calls. Get to know their age, likes and dislikes. Remember they need to learn about you too. Send each other the photos and maps of the houses. Come to a clear understanding about what should be done, for example cleaning the house or feeding pets. And be honest about your house.

Speaker 3: To enjoy your house swap holiday you shouldn’t be obsessed with your household items. If you’re going to get very stressed about little damage or some breakages, it’s probably better to have more traditional trips. You can’t be bothered that some other people take your towels, dishes or put their food into your fridge during the exchange. And they also have to be aware you have nothing against.

Speaker 4: When we organise an exchange, we always stay with our swap family for about a day so that we can personally show them around and build up a friendly relationship with them. We introduce them to our neighbours and take them to an attractive place that they may not find easily as tourists. It’s also a good idea to prepare a pack of food and a bottle of wine for the guests.

Speaker 5: We’ve swapped homes many times and we’ve never had anything stolen. Consider it this way: people are travelling halfway round the world to visit your country, not to damage or steal from your house. Also, occupying other people’s house while they are in yours makes both parties extra careful. Keep your worries away from your mind then! And your insurance company will be glad that your house won’t be empty while you’re away on holiday.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli wysłuchać pięciu wypowiedzi dotyczących zamiany domów podczas wakacji. Każdą z nich usłyszeli dwa razy. Potem musieli do wypowiedzi dopasować nagłówki (oznaczone literami od A do F).

Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

I think I really know a lot about watches. I’ve written several reports for the last ten years. I can say there are many fine pieces of jewellery for women but there seems to be only one commonly recognized and often admired piece for men, the wristwatch. Men are so protective towards their timepieces and like wearing them. And they are almost as popular as they used to be in the 20th century, especially among middle class men. But few people know that women have always been interested in expensive and sophisticated watches as well.

One of the studies I made shows that wristwatches were not very popular in the past. They were produced manually and it took watchmakers quite a lot of time to make one particular watch. As a result, few people could afford to buy such a product. Only rich individuals could invest their money in this way. Also, you could hardly find two similar watches at that time: most of them could be called works of art.

Looking through old documents I found out that a Polish watchmaker Anton Patek started the production of technically advanced pocket watches in 1839 in Geneva. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 in London his products were noticed by Queen Victoria. The queen bought a powder-blue pocket watch decorated with diamonds. What’s more, the same watchmaker created one of the first the first wristwatches for a lady in 1868. It was sold to a Hungarian aristocrat. The rectangular gold watch decorated with diamonds was as much a jewel as a timekeeper.

My latest report demonstrates another interesting fact that nowadays women are an important part of companies producing watches. They even prefer to employ females rather than males. I even saw a TV programme about present watchmakers. They said that women are almost exclusively involved in production stages where they are responsible for jobs which require a lot of precision. Making a watch is a complex process. And while both men and women can equally contribute to this process artistically or by giving bright ideas for new models, the patience and accuracy needed to produce a watch is more specific to women. This is what makes them particularly attractive employees to watchmakers. And my report has confirmed these facts as well.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli wysłuchać informacji o zegarkach. Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu tekstu musieli zaznaczyć poprawne odpowiedzi.

3.1. According to the speaker nowadays watches
A. have lost their popularity.
B. are accepted as men’s jewellery. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. are beginning to attract women’s attention.

3.2. In the past wristwatches
A. often looked the same.
B. were very expensive to buy. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. used to be sold in large numbers.

3.3. Queen Victoria bought her watch
A. in 1851. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. in 1868.
C. in 1839.

3.4. Why do watchmakers prefer employing women?
A. They are more artistic than men.
B. They are more creative than men.
C. They are more precise than men. – prawidłowa odpowiedź

3.5. The speaker is
A. an expert on watches. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. a watchmaker.
C. a TV reporter.

Druga część testu ćwiczeniowego z języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym sprawdza umiejętność rozumienia tekstu czytanego. Aby rozwiązać kolejne zadania – do każdego z nich – uczniowie muszą przeczytać teksty i odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące ich treści.

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

4.1. Traditional books have been used by the greatest educational systems for hundreds of years. And while e-readers and e-books may seem an attractive new solution in a school environment, the idea of replacing paper textbooks with something unproven is very risky.
4.2. But the high-tech industry works on schools and teachers. It keeps on doing a lot of research to show them the benefits of learning with e-readers, both financial and ecological. The most recent findings of this research show that e-books are likely to save a lot of schools money.
4.3. Experts in education, however, are of the opinion that the costs to provide every student with an e-reader, pay for its technical support and regular software updates are likely to make it a very expensive option.
4.4. Similarly, teachers giving lessons in history or literature reject the idea of giving up traditional textbooks. They are afraid of losing valuable tools simply because digital novelties have advantages in other fields of studies.
4.5. Also, many of university teachers openly admit that paper holds information without problems. For example, after some research they have carried out , they often find their most precious knowledge is stuck on a broken disk or lost as a result of a computer virus.
4.6. Finally, green activists point out that every time someone reads a book, newspaper or magazine in an electronic form they will need electric energy. It seems extremely frightening for them and they signal a serious threat to the natural environment.
4.7. Clearly, digital data offers a lot of benefits. But before we destroy the last of the paper textbooks, let us think if it might be practical to make the new technology develop in favour of or side by side with the older one.
adapted from International Herald Tribune

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli przeczytać tekst „E-BOOKS ARE COMING?”. Po jego przeczytaniu musieli dopasować podane nagłówki do poszczególnych akapitów tekstu.

A. E-readers may cost quite a lot of money. – akapit 4.3.
B. New technologies and textbooks could exist together.
C. The usefulness of the electronics is still uncertain. – akapit 4.1.
D. Coursebooks seem to be a must for teaching some subjects. – akapit 4.4.
E. Paper textbooks are no longer necessary.
F. E-readers might become a real ecological problem. – akapit 4.6.
G. The electronics manufacturers focus on education. – akapit 4.2.
H. Books are not so easy to damage as digital data. – akapit 4.5.

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

Night was coming to the town. It was nearly dark in the small dormitory room on the university campus. Dorothy Black and Derek Atkins were in the room that Sunday evening. They were both second-year students at the college. They were looking at each other in silence. Then Derek turned and smiled at Dorothy sitting on the bed.
- Don’t be upset, Derek said.- Everything will be OK.
Dorothy tried to smile but she couldn’t.- Why can’t we get married right away? - she asked. We can be so happy, Derek! I’m sure about that.
- Well, we could get married immediately, - said Derek. - But this isn’t what I’d planned, Dorothy — you know that. I’d planned to meet your father in New York in the summer, at the end of the college year. I wanted to ask him for permission to marry you then.- I want your father to like me, Dorothy, - he went on quickly. - If we’re already married when I meet him, he won’t like that. He’ll be angry and he’ll stop supporting you financially during your studies. How will you feel about that?
- I love you Derek replied Dorothy miserably.- I don’t care what my father will say about us. He’s never given our family any warm feelings. His business has always been more important than my mother and us. But I want my life to be different. I want a loving husband and happy children. -
Derek walked over to Dorothy and put his arms around her. Again he had to pretend deep love for her.
- Listen to me, Dorothy. - said Derek.- I don’t want to destroy your life. You don’t know about being poor. But I know about it. You would hate it! Listen! I want to marry you next summer, with your father’s permission.
The young man knew that Dorothy Black’s father was the owner of Black Copper Incorporated. When he had found out that a young woman in his Economics and Philosophy classes was one of the two Leo Black’s daughters, his life had changed. He had begun to think of an exciting future for himself. Soon after meeting Dorothy, he had written to the offices of Black Copper asking for some information about the company. He collected the bits of information he got from the company at the bottom of a drawer in his desk and analyzed how much money the company had earned in over the years. His secret plan was to get involved in the Black Copper Incorporated and the girl was to be the key to his coming success.
adapted from A Kiss Before Dying by Ira Levin

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli przeczytać tekst „SECRET PLAN”. Po jego przeczytaniu musieli zaznaczyć, które z podanych zdań jest prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).

5.1. Derek did not want to marry Dorothy at once. TRUE
5.2. Dorothy’s father provided money for her daughter at college. TRUE
5.3. Dorothy’s father was a very loving parent. FALSE
5.4. Dorothy was an only child. FALSE
5.5. Derek was planning to link his future with Leo’s company. TRUE
5.6. The text is about a couple who were deeply in love with each other. FALSE

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

I had quite an unusual way of making my career in medicine. My parents were both artists and when I was a secondary school student, I always got more praise for any accidental artistic success than my passion for science. Instead, I always heard- Lucy, you should study English literature ... English was your dad’s favourite subject, - Lucy, you could take fine art at college...‖ ... and I decided on creative writing at college. First, this was the only- artistic‖ activity that seemed quite interesting to me. Second, I did not want to disappoint my parents, so I thought it was the only way out. After college I signed up for a master’s degree course in creative writing and it was there and then that I discovered that the creative life might not be for me. I enjoyed writing my first stories but I hardly ever managed to create something more than average.
After I gained the degree, I got my first job as an editor of technical writing, while trying to keep writing fiction in my free time. I was quite enthusiastic about my job at first, however after three years I lost my faith that what I was doing would be of any worth to me. It was quite similar with my fiction. Although some of it was published, I thought it was rather weak and unexciting. At work I even joked from time to time that I had missed my true calling – medicine. But in fact I had never seriously considered going to medical school. It also seemed absurd to me to start anything connected with medicine after becoming an editor. I was at the age of 27 and I was seriously considering starting my family with Jack, my boyfriend. Perhaps I could even give up working as an editor and help Jack run his car business.
But I was wrong when I told Jack about my plans to have a family. He said he wasn’t ready and he broke up with me the next day making me feel deeply depressed. It’s a good thing the Internet wasn’t around yet, so I didn’t begin writing a blog. What I did was to read every medical article I could get my hands on. This helped me to overcome my emotional problems. The crisis somehow passed but my medical addiction remained.
Sometime later I started wondering that my life wasn’t what I really expected from it. I decided not to wait any longer and took up medical study. I knew that if I waited, considering my decision again and again, I would just be older. I went to the local evening school and entered on all the science courses. I needed to complete them before applying to medical school. After so many years of not learning science, the courses were a huge challenge. I got a fail on my first physics quiz, which made me terribly upset. I realized that I would have to study very hard to become successful. Eventually, after a year I was ready to enter for an interview at a medical school.
In the medical school I was worried that the professors would be puzzled by me and the path I had taken to get there. As it turned out, they loved me – they were bored of seeing the same 21-year-olds who had never gotten a chance to do anything interesting in their lives because their parents had pushed them into medicine. And when I started medical school I found that I had a real advantage over those kids. I was simply more experienced in life. There were some drawbacks, of course. The first one was the money. When I signed the loan documents to borrow $5,000 from my bank to pay for the first semester, I cried. The second one was the time. Studying left me with little time to develop the rest of my life. I had to forget almost all the activities I had time for earlier.
Am I glad I did it? Absolutely. I feel I am so suited to being a doctor. After my graduation I invited my parents to show them my diploma and when they came they seemed quite glad. I earn a good salary but I still have to pay my student loan off. I haven’t found my husband yet and I’ve pretty much decided on being single. My friends often ask me if I still write fiction. I really do. I think I’ve just finished my best short story ever. It’s going to be published soon.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli przeczytać tekst „MY WAY TO SUCCESS”. Po jego przeczytaniu musieli zaznaczyć poprawne odpowiedzi.

6.1. Lucy decided to study creative writing because she
A. was told to do so.
B. was an artistic spirit.
C. saw no other options. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. liked studying English.

6.2. While Lucy was working as an editor, she
A. produced her first stories.
B. failed to publish her writings.
C. discovered her passion for medicine.
D. stopped believing in her writing skills. – prawidłowa odpowiedź

6.3. Why did Lucy begin to read medical articles?
A. She decided to change her job.
B. She wanted to forget her boyfriend. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. She wanted to study at medical school.
D. She found some good ones on the Internet.

6.4. After deciding to study medicine, Lucy
A. applied for a medical school.
B. began to study science subjects. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. passed her first exam in physics.
D. considered her decision once again.

6.5. When Lucy became a medical student, she found it difficult
A. to get a loan for her studies.
B. to be accepted by the teachers.
C. to find time for other activities. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. to be better than younger students.

6.6. After becoming a doctor Lucy
A. wrote her best fiction. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. visited her parents.
C. paid off her loan.
D. got married.

6.7. In the text the narrator says nothing about
A. how long she prepared for medical studies.
B. the disappointment at her first job.
C. her present place of work. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. her ex-boyfriend’s job.

Ostatnie zadanie testu ćwiczeniowego z języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym sprawdza umiejętność pisania w języku angielskim.

W tym zadaniu uczeń musiał zredagować e-mail do kolegi z zagranicy. Miał w nim poinformować o tym, że wspólnie z przyjaciółmi organizuje koncert charytatywny. W tekście oprócz zaproszenia na koncert powinny znaleźć się informacje o celu tego koncertu.


Test ćwiczeniowy z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym składał się z dwóch arkuszy. Pierwszy z nich zawierał trzy zadania. Na jego rozwiązanie maturzyści mieli 120 minut.
Pierwsze dwa zadania sprawdzały umiejętności leksykalno – gramatyczne uczniów, trzecie zadanie zaś było dłuższą wypowiedzią pisemną na jeden z trzech zadanych tematów.

Maturzysta musiał przeczytać tekst i poprawnie odmienić słowo znajdujące się w nawiasie, tak tekst był logiczny i poprawny pod względem gramatycznym i ortograficznym.

A road cuts through pristine rainforest to give a community access to the city. A dam creates a reservoir to provide freshwater to enable the GROWTH (GROW) of a town. A platform that is miles from the shoreline gives access to oil reserves deep below the ocean floor.
These are all examples of infrastructure – physical structures that provide the underpinnings for modern society. Infrastructure is a necessary part of the development associated with an increasing human population, but it can also have devastating and IRREVERSIBLE (REVERSE) impacts on the environment. A road through the rainforest may fragment habitat or cut off the migration route for an endangered species. A dam may divert water from freshwater habitats which have already been PAINFULLY (PAIN) struggling with a drought. A spill from an oil platform may kill marine organisms and leave the shoreline polluted.
Environmental concerns are not always considered during the design, planning and construction of infrastructure projects and that is why World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) works with industry and governments. The organization ENCOURAGE (COURAGE) the consideration of innovative ways that reduce environmental impact and protect SENSITIVE (SENSE) habitat which may be irrevocably damaged by these projects.
adapted from

Maturzysta musiał uzupełnić zdania, wykorzystując podane wyrazy tak, by zdania były zachowały sen zdania wyjściowego i były poprawne pod względem ortograficznym.

2.1. I don’t think we should continue with all these changes. WORTH
It is not worth continuing with all these changes.

2.2. The government changed the law so that road safety would improve. SO AS
The government changed the law so as to improve road safety.

2.3. We decided to hire a painter who will redecorate our flat. FLAT
We decided to have our flat redecorated.

2.4. The flood caused extensive damage to the whole area. ABOUT
The flood brought about extensive damage to the whole area.

2.5. Greg can be really annoying. I can’t stand him then. NUISANCE
Greg can make a real nuisance of himself I can’t stand him then.

Maturzysta musiał napisać wypracowanie na 200 - 250 słów na jeden z podanych tematów:
1. Opisz, jak wyobrażasz sobie nowoczesne muzeum, do którego chętnie poszłaby młodzież.
2. Napisz opowiadanie, którego bohater zgubił drogę w trakcie podróży samochodem, ale dzięki temu spotkał starego przyjaciela.
3. Wielu rodziców obawia się posłać swoje dzieci do szkoły w wieku sześciu lat. Napisz rozprawkę, przedstawiającą argumenty za i przeciw rozpoczynaniu nauki w szkole przez dzieci sześcioletnie.

Pierwsza część - drugiego arkusza - testu ćwiczeniowego z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym sprawdza umiejętność rozumienia tekstu słuchanego.
Aby rozwiązać zadania – do każdego z nich – uczniowie wysłuchali nagrań. Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu nagranych tekstów, musieli rozwiązać zadania, dotyczące treści nagrań.

Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

Interviewer: In our weekly series The World Today we’re going to discuss the issue of selfies. For this reason I have invited Pamela Evans, a psychologist and Director of the Media Psychology Research Center in Boston. Pamela, narcissism or self-exploration? Could you please explain to our listeners what all the fuss related to taking selfies is about?
Pamela: As most of us know selfies are pictures you take of yourself. They are showing up all across social networks like Facebook or Instagram. As the number and frequency of selfies increase, the phenomenon has received more and more scholarly attention. Some scholars view these self-created self-portraits as proof of generational narcissism and moral decline. Others, including me, reckon it’s a harmless by-product of technology-enabled self-exploration.

Interviewer: Why do you perceive selfies this way?
Pamela: Humans have long demonstrated their interest in self-exploration. And it’s not a big leap to go from a pursuit of self-exploration to the desire for self-portrait. As far back as Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome people used to commission their portraits to be made rather than draw them on their own. Later in Medieval Europe, when glass mirrors spread, numerous artists were able to paint themselves without a problem. Next the camera in the 1860s launched a new era of self-portraiture, but the technology demanded skill and expense. As the camera evolved, more and more creative versions of self-portraiture appeared.

Interviewer: And what about the recent past? When did selfies become a social phenomenon one can observe on Facebook?
Pamela: In spite of the recent surge of selfies plastered all over Facebook, they aren’t so fresh as one might think. Digital self-portraits in its current form began to appear online in photo albums back in around the year 2000, which is a couple of years before the moment Facbook was founded. Once they were the province of the elite either in status or skill, but later digital cameras and social media have democratized self-portraiture, making it less precious and more fun. Next, camera phones, especially those with front and back lens action, made taking selfies faster and easier than ever, yet at the expense of quality. Additionally, mobile Internet access allows easy real time posting of selfies to all social websites.

Interviewer: Pamela, thank you very much for the interview.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli dwa razy wysłuchać wywiadu z Pamelą. Potem zaznaczyć, które z podanych zdań jest prawdziwe (TRUE), a które fałszywe (FALSE).

4.1. Pamela perceives the phenomenon of taking selfies as a controversial issue. FALSE
4.2. Artists have been accustomed to creating self-portraits since ancient times. FALSE
4.3. Facebook gave birth to selfies known today. FALSE
4.4. Digital technology has impaired the quality of selfies. TRUE
4.5. The interview is about the origins of selfies. TRUE

Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

Speaker 1: I’ve always been concerned with my physical well-being so I pay a lot of attention to what I eat. These days I have healthy food regularly and I’ve never considered its taste bland and abominable, especially that you can apply herbs and spices to easily improve its flavour. As for the junk food which I used to swallow in large amounts, my nutritionist says that it’s acceptable for me to have an occasional bit of it sometimes. But I’ve given it up completely to prevent myself from obesity and diabetes I’ve been always in danger of.
Speaker 2: I used to be too busy at work to think about my eating habits. But the other day I was intrigued by a TV series in which a master chef demonstrated how to flavour vegetables with spices. The programme was directed to people who had health problems because of a bad diet. I didn’t have any but after one of the episodes I downloaded the recipes from its website and experimented with them. I was taken aback by the delicious taste carrots gained after being served with soy sauce and vegan butter or salad being mixed with peppers olive oil and thin cream. Now vegetables form my everyday diet.
Speaker 3: I adore burgers, fries and fizzy drinks. Fast food in moderate amounts, even if consumed regularly, fits perfectly into my diet. I’m fully aware of what I’m putting in my mouth when I order the large fries and cheeseburger. What’s more, I’m sure that it isn’t any diet at all that keeps you in good shape. I’ve always been involved in weightlifting and it’s easy for me to burn up all the calories I’ve consumed. Take up sport, be on the move and you’ll avoid health problems easily.
Speaker 4: I had to go on a strict diet as I’m suffering from a liver disease. I really have to be careful about what I eat and I have to do moderate daily exercise. My doctor had hard time talking me out of junk food but finally he convinced me to such a diet. That obviously excludes the vast majority of fast foods from my life. Luckily for me, I have always loved fruit and vegetables and I’ve learned to prepare them in a number of different ways. I’ve noticed that the diet has actually alleviated most of my symptoms and I believe that one day I will enjoy full health again.
Speaker 5: I’m in a hurry most of my time. If you’re all alone and have two toddlers to look after and you’re about to finish your master’s thesis, then you need to value your time more than anything else. Consequently, I take advantage of any free moments I have. Surely I can’t devote these lapses to cooking something more nutritious as well. So in order to fuel myself up, I usually order a take-away on my way to the laundry. But once my academic grind ends, I’ll quit living on fast food.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli wysłuchać pięciu wypowiedzi. Każdą z nich usłyszeli dwa razy. Potem musieli do wypowiedzi pięciu osób dopasować zdania, które trafnie podsumowują każdą z nich (oznaczone literami od A do F).

The speaker
A. justifies her/his temporary junk food consumption. – osoba 5
B. says that it’s not food that you should consider to stay healthy. – osoba 3
C. willingly changed her/his eating habits to avoid health problems. – osoba 1
D. explains why an occasional fast food meal can be harmful.
E. discovered ways of making healthy food taste good. – osoba 2
F. believes that food helps her/him cope with health problems. – osoba 4

Ten tekst musieli dwukrotnie wysłuchać uczniowie:

It took five attempts, but on September 2nd, 2013, a 64-year-old endurance swimmer Diana Nyad set her new record at last. It’s true that she wasn’t the first person to swim this distance from Cuba to Florida. And her age didn’t really matter much either as a few older swimmers set similar amazing records. What really counted this time was the fact that she did it without a protective 'shark' cage. Her journey began on the morning of Saturday, September 1st, when Diana dived into the warm waters near Havana. Surrounded by a team of 35 members, the athlete swam almost continuously for the entire 53 hours stopping only for short food intervals.
Diana made the effort look relatively easy, but actually the swim was a real challenge with the conditions far from ideal. In the water she had to deal with the long distance, sharks, ocean currents, burning sun, and hoards of jellyfish. To avoid their painful stings, Diana wore a full body suit, gloves, rubber booties and a mask at night when those sea creatures rose to the surface. This outfit slowed her down and made her arms numb. Also, the jellyfish’s constant stinging on the silicone mask resulted in skin injuries and bruises around and insi de her mouth, making it difficult for her to speak. In addition, the sea waves made her feel so dizzy and nauseous that she had a hard time keeping food down.
This was not the first time Diana was making headlines. In the 1970's, she broke two world records: one for swimming around Manhattan Island in 1975 and the other one for covering 102 miles between the Bahamas and Florida in 1979. Her first attempt at the route between Cuba and Florida took part in 1978 when she was 28. At that time she had been very afraid of sharks, strong sea currents and poisonous jellyfish, however, after 42 hours of tremendous effort she had to abandon her attempt because of high winds that strayed her too far west from her destination. Then, after breaking the record the following year, she suddenly quit swimming. Later she explained that it wasn’t because of being tired or disappointed; she just wanted to pursue her other, even greater passions which included broadcasting, motivational speaking and writing books about her experiences.
At the age of sixty, to everyone's surprise, she announced her return to swimming. She wanted to make her dream come true. And after four years of trying, it turned out remarkably successful.

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli wysłuchać tekstu o Dianie. Po dwukrotnym wysłuchaniu tekstu musieli zaznaczyć poprawne odpowiedzi.

6.1. Diana’s new swimming record was unique because she
A. tried to swim the distance for the fifth time.
B. covered the whole distance without a pause.
C. swam the distance without shark-proof equipment. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. was the oldest person to set a record in long-distance swimming.

6.2. Diana wore special clothes to protect herself from
A. aggressive jellyfish. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. dangerous sharks.
C. serious sunburn.
D. strong currents.

6.3. The seawater
A. upset her stomach. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. caused skin injuries.
C. made her arms numb.
D. left her unable to speak.

6.4. Her first unsuccessful attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida
A. was made in her early twenties.
B. had nothing to do with strong winds.
C. made her quit swimming right away then.
D. was followed by another record a year after. – prawidłowa odpowiedź

6.5. The text is about

A. a record set in favourable conditions.
B. a woman faithful to her greatest passion.
C. a challenge taken on after a long interval. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. a struggle to prepare for a sporting challenge.

Kolejna część (w drugim arkuszu) testu ćwiczeniowego z języka angielskiego na poziomie rozszerzonym sprawdza umiejętność rozumienia tekstu czytanego.
Aby rozwiązać kolejne zadania – do każdego z nich – uczniowie muszą przeczytać teksty i odpowiedzieć na pytania dotyczące ich treści.

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

Julie Fenton had to spend ten days in hospital. For the last few months the situation of C.J.K Software Solutions she managed had seriously affected her mental health and she was on the brink of a nervous breakdown. Despite July’s flawless performance as a manager to improve the company’s sales, there was a serious lack of market interest in the purchase of the software that her highly trained team of programmers was scrupulously developing. The software itself seemed one of the best on the market but still the company was facing the danger of being declared bankrupt. When Julie returned to work, Mark Ashwood, the company’s former business partner began to appear in her office. He had left the company a couple of years ago and sold all his shares to the other partners. But Julie liked him, even though he had quit the job. Now he became her close friend forthwith. Julie had relegated her accountant to a more junior position as she suspected that the company might have problems due to misuse of funds. Now she engaged Mark to be in charge of her company’s financial records but he didn’t come across any embezzlement of company funds. Sitting in her office, Julie felt depressed and helpless. Suddenly Mark came into the room.
“I’ve been thinking about your problem and I believe it might be resolved,” Mark said.
“Tell me where I went wrong,” Julie said, sipping a glass of cold white coffee. ”Is it my management, the products or the employment policy?
“None of them, I guess. I think that, instead of trying to sell your software to other companies, you should sell them licenses to use it,” Mark said. “You could sell them for a fixed term – perhaps a year. That’s what your competition does.”
“Go on,” Julie said.
“Well, first, it’s cheaper for the client,” Mark continued. They get the full use of the product for a year for much less than the cost of buying it. Second, if you update the product, the licence will allow the client to have the latest version of the software.”
“That’s great for the client, but what about the company?” Julie asked.
“The advantage for you is client loyalty,” Mark replied. “When a client's licence terminates, they won’t have to purchase new software, they’ll just have to obtain a new licence. That will be much cheaper, so the client will want to continue using your product, rather than buying another company’s software. So the client is provided with regular updates, and you get their loyalty. And when you do produce a completely new product, you can sell it to your existing clients at a discount. It’s good for both of you!”
Julie looked thoughtful. She sipped her coffee again.
“I think it’s a great idea,” she said at last. “Mark, you’re a genius!”
“There’s another thing,” Mark went on. “I think that all of your company work could be done without an office. Offices are overpriced – think of how much rent is on you. All you need is the equipment and the staff. Your staff could establish their offices at home by extra remuneration. You’d obviously need to have regular meetings with them, but you could organize the work in a manner that allows your employees to work independently. Your own house could be the company headquarters. Your secretary would be in constant touch with you by phone. You’ll save a lot of money if you cease to rent the office.”
“Mark, you’re wonderful” said Julie and she kissed him.
After a few weeks Julie and Mark had become infatuated with each other. They tried to fill every brief moment of break at work with dates, trips or friendly visits. Mark tried to get Julie interested in rock-climbing, as it was his favourite pastime and he clearly needed assistance.
Julie wasn’t in favour of practising sports which posed a potential hazard, however, once she went along with Mark’s idea to go climbing together.
One day in August she was holding onto a steep rock face, with the sea far below her. Above her head, Mark was standing on a ledge, holding her rope.
“Come on up!” he shouted. “You’re doing wonderfully!”
Julie looked down and quickly closed her eyes. She felt as if she was about to fall. She couldn’t take another step because she was in a state of panic, all trembling with fear. She thought to herself “What am I doing here? Why was I so stupid to go climbing with the man I still don’t know well? Is he able to pull me up?” But then she realized that the rope was keeping her safe. She began to move slowly onwards, up the rock face. She realised how her life had changed since Mark stepped into it and that she was happier than she had ever been before.
adapted from Officially Dead by Richard Prescott

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli przeczytać tekst „THE TURNING POINT”. Po jego przeczytaniu musieli zaznaczyć poprawne odpowiedzi.

7.1. The problem with Julie’s company was that
A. it did not sell its products. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. it lacked skilled workforce.
C. it was not properly managed.
D. it had a dishonest accountant.

7.2. The first thing Mark told Julie was that
A. he had already solved the company’s financial problems.
B. he had devised a new marketing policy for the company. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. he wanted to discuss the prospects of his employment.
D. he had some idea of how to enhance the software.

7.3. Mark also advised Julie
A. to dispose of the property owned by the company.
B. to move the company’s seat to a different location. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
C. to rent cheaper offices for the company’s employees.
D. to make company’s staff set up individual businesses.

7.4. When climbing, Julie
A. got terrified for no apparent reason. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
B. secured Mark’s going up the steep rock.
C. was run down for poor mountaineering skills.
D. knew that something went wrong with the rope.

7.5. The text is about two business people who
A. pursued their careers separately.
B. set up their own software company.
C. reunited and fell for each other at work. – prawidłowa odpowiedź
D. invented a new approach to software licensing.

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

Taking a bike on to London roads is not as dangerous as it once was. The latest estimates from the Department for Transport show that, per million miles cycled in London, the number of accidents involving cyclists has fallen by 33% since the 1990s. 8.1. ….. In London, cyclists made up 22% of all casualties on the roads in 2012, compared to just 10% in 2006.
A particular problem concerns lorries. More than half of cycling accidents in London between 2008 and 2012 involved these heavy goods vehicles. 8.2. ….. As a result of the restriction, and as a way to reduce accidents, politicians have made a further call for lorries to be limited in London in the rush hours.
Badly designed infrastructure doesn’t help either. According to transport experts there is still a lot to be done in the scope and range of this matter. 8.3. ….. Where the rules and signs at such places are unclear, they are easy to break or ignore.
In other places, such as Denmark, when the number of cyclists increased, the absolute number of injuries fell. 8.4. ….. For this reason the city authorities have decided to invest some 900 million pounds in new infrastructure improvements, including new segregated cycle lanes. Other British cities are now following this lead. Cycling will prosper only if cities manage to make it feel a lot safer than they do today.

W tekście „THE WHEEL PROBLEM” brakują cztery zdania. Po jego przeczytaniu uczniowie musieli dopasować zdania, tak by tekst był logiczny.

A. Contrary to their claims the local authorities allege that some cyclists are extremely careless – wearing headphones while riding, for example.
B. They have taken some measures to improve the safety of lorries, insisting that the drivers thereof should install equipment to protect cyclists.
C. For instance, a large number of junctions and roundabouts push unwitting cyclists into traffic as it is easy to misunderstand the signals and ride out of the cycle lanes. – luka 8.3.
D. In London, however, two thirds of cyclists still consider roads to be too dangerous to cycle on and remain faithful to their cars. – luka 8.4.
E. A ban on night deliveries has made lorries enter the city in the morning, just when cyclists are commuting to work. – luka 8.2.
F. But the rate has recently moved up again, despite the fact that the number of road accidents in general has fallen. – luka 8.1.

Ten tekst musieli przeczytać uczniowie:

Lots of farms, especially those involved with alternative and eco-friendly projects, invite people to volunteer in 9.1. ….. for free food and accommodation. If you are willing to get your hands dirty, it is a fantastic way to learn about rural life around the world and enjoy a long-term visit on the cheap.
Most farms 9.2. ….. you to stay for at least one or two weeks, but the length of your stay really has to be negotiated with your hosts as it can vary immensely. Some hosts are happy to show you 9.3. ….. for a day or two, while others will let you really dig in and stay for several months. Wayback Farm in Maine, for example, invites apprentices to spend an entire season learning about all-natural, biodynamic farming practices.
You could 9.4. ….. anything from picking grapes to building a smokehouse, learning about organic crops or setting up an irrigation system. 9.5. ….. you wish to partake in some more traditional farming, there are also plenty of opportunities out there to milk cows or plough a field. Working days can range from a full seven to eight hours of physical 9.6. ….. to a couple of hours helping with the daily routine.
adapted from

By rozwiązać to zadanie uczniowie musieli przeczytać tekst „WORK ON A FARM – AND SEE THE WORLD FOR FREE”. Po jego przeczytaniu musieli zaznaczyć poprawne odpowiedzi.

A. benefit
B. exchange
C. swap
D. profit

A. make
B. dem and
C. insist
D. require

A. around
B. down
C. up
D. off

A. be doing
B. have been doing
C. be done
D. have done

A. might
B. could
C. should
D. would

A. obstruction
B. endurance
C. strength
D. labour

emisja bez ograniczeń wiekowych

Derby Trójmiasta: oprawa meczu Lechia Gdańsk - Arka Gdynia

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